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Adaptation to the Schedule Control Act

In some countries, such as Spain, companies are required by law to save the working hours of their employees.

Some of the countries that have time control regulated are: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Romania, Hungary, etc.

You can find all the legal text in the following link Official State Gazette, decree-Law 8/2019, of 8 March, Chapter III, Articles 10 and below.

Please check with your employment advisor.
You'll avoid serious penalties.

With GesFicher you comply with the Law

The functionality that GesFicher gives you allows you to be calm, you will be complying with all the points required by the Law:

Any type and size of company
Ensures daily registration of the day (start and end time of the working day)
Workers and trade union representatives will receive the monthly hour ratio made in regular and extraordinary hours
Time flexibility
Free registration for 4 years (required by law)
At the disposal of the worker, his legal representatives and the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate

Time control law

You'll avoid serious sanctions

If you do not comply with the Law you may receive a strong penalty, depending on the severity.

Mild infractions: If you need the most important working conditions information.
60,00 € - 625,00 €
Serious violations: If irregularities are detected in the log of hours.
625,00 € - 6.250,00 €
Infracciones muy graves: If irregularities accumulate large differences.
6.250,00 € - 187.515,00 €